Thursday, November 28, 2019

Grandmother Agnes be at peace and surrounded by love

Grandmother’s Prayer

“I am a voice for the voiceless. We are speaking to an unseen world.
Speaking for Mother Earth, trying to stop our spiritual blindness.
We speak for the animal kingdom, for those in the waters, for the ‘four leggeds’ and the one leggeds(trees), the Bengal tiger, the elephant, the creepy crawlers.
I pray that the creator hears us. The creatures have a right to be. The creator gave us instructions about this and how to be a long time ago. He told us ways to take care of ourselves, what to eat and where to live. But now we are unbalanced.
We cut the green off our Mother’s face. We pollute the water, Her blood.
We do clearcut logging on the tops of mountains, when the trees they are the ones that call the wind and rain. Without the ancient trees at the top of our mountains, we are in trouble. The little trees can’t do the same work as the old trees that have been destroyed”... Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim

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