Thursday, November 17, 2016

Embracing Female Fierceness

Our Determined Struggle

Leaping over the barriers of time, space and custom.
Into strengths forged by strife.
Women we are coming.

Unbinding the imagery fed by industry,
We seek to define our own truest selves;
Separating from artificial roles and cultural boundaries;
Women we are coming. 

Grasping our fates that determine the world,
Challenging dictates that conform and oppress,
Controlling the energy that creates life.
Women we are coming.

copyright T.Truesdale 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Fate of the World
The fate of the world
Is in the hands holding female energy;
That seeks to balance Earth
From the pillage of resources,
Destruction of the environment,
Murder of others…
It is time to come forward,
 Women of all cultures, all ages;
And rejoin all the fibers of the damaged elements
Reweaving the weft and warp of the world
Connecting all, into the future foretold.

T.Truesdale copyright 2016